Barton Speedwatch

The Community Speedwatch team try to go out at least once a week. They are limited to working between sunrise and sunset, and when there is no rain. This means not every location is covered. If there is an area you have concerns about, and a time when there is a problem, please let the Parish Clerk know and they will try to cover this.

The Community Speedwatch area is shown on the map.

New Volunteers are urged to come forward to get involved in the Community Speedwatch programme. If you are concerned about traffic in the village and want to help, please contact the Clerk  for further information. All equipment and training will be provided. 

Please note community speedwatch has been suspended by the police for the foreseeable future

Speedwatch Locations


2019 Summary

A total of 14212 vehicles were observed, 498 or 3.50% were speeding and the worst offender was caught travelling 23mph over the speed limit. 

2018 Summary

A total of 13424 vehicles were observed, 493 or 3.67% were speeding and the worst offender was caught travelling 22mph over the speed limit.

Note: 80% of drivers caught speeding and contacted by the police live within a 20 mile radius of the village, indeed a massive 78.3% actually have DE13 post codes.

2017 Summary 

A total of 11758 vehicles were observed, 626 or 5.32% were speeding and the worst offender was caught travelling 36mph over the speed limit.



Community Speedwatch - Signage
There is no legal requirement to place any signs at a monitoring site. Where permanent Community Speed Watch signs are in place temporary mobile signs will not be displayed. If you have any comments or complaints, please so not raise these with the volunteers who are simply following instructions. Contact Staffordshire Police by email

Please note: we will not tolerate abusive, threatening or insulting behaviour towards our Police Volunteers and will take appropriate action if necessary.  

Permanent Speed Watch Signs installed to deter unsafe driving 
Permanent Community Speed Watch signs have been installed in a number of areas across Staffordshire where communities are affected by speeding traffic. 

Community Speed Watch has teams of volunteers across the county giving up their own time to monitor speed levels in their local community and providing information to the police. Currently, when a team deploys, temporary signage is put out warning drivers that their speeds are being monitored. But now permanent signage with police branding is in place in 40 locations like Biddulph and Weston to warn drivers that their speed could be monitored at random. Further locations will be added in 2019. 

Michelle Shaker, Community Speed Watch Co-ordinator for Staffordshire Police, said: "Feedback we have received suggested that drivers were only adhering to speed limits when they saw the signs. With permanent signs hopefully drivers will adhere at all times as their speeds could be monitored at any time without further notice. 

In the last year we had 27 people die following a road traffic collision and a further 202 seriously injured. Speed is a contributory factor in a significant number of collisions including nearly a quarter of fatal collisions, so it is imperative people follow the speed limit to keep themselves and others safe on our roads."

When a vehicle is caught speeding, the details of that vehicle is recorded on a Log Sheet and submitted to the Police. A letter is then sent to the Registered Keeper warning them of the dangers of speeding. If a driver is identified as a repeat offender or recorded travelling at a dangerously high speed, they can expect a home visit by a police officer at the very least. 

Community Speed Watch was set up to improve road safety in communities where there are concerns about the speed of traffic. The scheme is supported by Staffordshire Police and the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership. Residents who are trained by Staffordshire Police stand by the roadside and monitor speeds of vehicles passing using a hand held radar device.