Your Council

Barton under Needwood is a vibrant village of some 5500 residents set in the National Forest in East Staffordshire. This website is designed to provide you, the community, with information about how your Parish Council represents your interests and details of all the amenities managed on your behalf. We are focussed on working together to make Barton a better place to live, work and visit.

Barton under Needwood Parish Council is the first tier of local government for the village and provides a range of services for you, acting as your representative in engaging with regional (particularly ESBC and SCC) and national government to ensure that the priorities and wishes of the whole community are heard as well as liaising with various outside organisations to promote and support village interests such as Greener Barton and the local Flood Risk Group.

Our legal powers are granted to us and regulated by various Government Acts and we currently meet the eligibility criteria for the General Power of Competence.

The Council is made up of 11 Councillors elected for a term of 4 years (with the next election being due in May 2027) and is well supported by a Clerk, a Groundsman and Village Lengthsmen. All Councillors work in a voluntary capacity.

We hope you find this website useful, but if you are unable to find what you are searching for or have difficulties accessing any information, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk.

You will also find us on social media
Twitter: @barton_pc