Storm Henk - Flood Info Requst
Published: 08 January 2024
Storm Henk –
2/3 January 2024 – Request for Flood Information
The Parish Council is trying to collate information about the flooding that occurred last week associated with Storm Henk which passed through on Tuesday 2 January, with the area also being affected by record high water levels in the River Trent the following day – Wednesday 3 January.
We aren’t currently aware of any properties flooding directly from water from either the Barton Brook or the Full Brook, but we know that properties and some businesses at Barton Turns and Lichfield Road were affected by surface water flooding from roads and drainage backing up in the evening and overnight.
There is a suggestion that the pumps may have tripped out at the Sewage Treatment Works causing foul sewers to back up as far as Mill Lane but the PC has not had any formal confirmation on that from Severn Trent.
Properties on Efflinch Lane were affected by traffic driving too fast through flood water and creating waves which washed onto the fronts of properties and in in some instances caused internal flooding.
If anyone who was affected can please contact Cllr Ed Sharkey in the first instance by email to or phone 07973 151820 (with any emails also copied to our Parish Office at or leave a message on 01283 716059) that will help us get an overall picture of what happened and help our discussions with the Environment Agency, Severn Trent Water and the Staffordshire County Council Flood Risk Officer in trying to plan to reduce flood risk to properties in the Parish.
The Government announced on Saturday 6 Jan that payments for communities affected by Storm Henk will be eligible for payment from the Flood Recovery Fund. Please see the information on the Government’s Web page at
Government payments for communities affected by flooding - GOV.UK (