Our Staffordshire Communities Consultation
Published: 11 January 2024
Our Staffordshire Communities - Consultation
Staffordshire County Council is currently engaging with residents and partners across Staffordshire, seeking their views and thoughts about life in their communities and what matters most to them.
After the consultation SCC will be looking to use the views gathered to create a Communities Strategy which will set the Council’s direction in promoting an ambitious and sustainable county fit for the future, with strong and empowered communities.
The consultation has been running
since 7 November 2023 and is due to end on 31 January 2024
There is a survey available to residents and partner agencies which is primarily available online and can be found below. However, to ensure that we are able to reach as many people as possible there are paper copies available in all libraries across the county and people available to help residents to fill them in.
Our Staffordshire Communities – tell us about your community and how we can all do our bit! | Let's Talk Staffordshire